如今,随着主流浏览器对 HTML5 的不断支持和完善,越来越多的开发者开始使用 HTML5 来开发各种功能强大的Web应用程序,HTML5 正引领互联网新革命。为了方便大家更好的学习 HTML5 ,今天这篇文章向大家分享42个非常有用的 HTML5 开发教程和速查手册。
HTML5 开发教程
1. Code a Portfolio with HTML5 and CSS3
2. Slick login form with HTML5 & CSS3
3. Create a stylish HTML5 template from scratch
4. Code a Vibrant Professional Web Design with HTML5/CSS3
5. Coding a CSS3 & HTML5 One-Page Website Template
6. Create An Elegant Website With HTML 5 And CSS3
7. Tutorial: Case Study with Html5 + CSS3
8. Create a Grid Based Web Design in HTML5 & CSS3
9. Create a Stylish Contact Form with HTML5 & CSS3
10. Coding A HTML 5 Layout From Scratch
11. Design & Code a Cool iPhone App Website in HTML5
12. Designing a blog with html5
13. How to Make an HTML5 iPhone App
14. Making Forms Fabulous with HTML5
15. How to Build Cross-Browser HTML5 Forms
16. HTML5 Tutorial – Getting Started
17. Simple Website Layout Tutorial Using HTML 5 and CSS 3
18. Build a HTML5/CSS3 Website Layout Without Images – Part 1
19. Building Web Pages With HTML 5
20. Add Semantic Value to Your Pages With HTML 5
21. Embed Audio and Video in HTML 5 Pages
22. HTML5 and CSS3 in Dreamweaver CS5.5 – Part 1: Building the web page
23. Create a Responsive Web Design Template
24. A practical guide to building websites with HTML5 & CSS3
25. HTML5 & CSS3 envelope contact form
26. How to Draw with HTML 5 Canvas
27. HTML 5 Canvas Tutorial
28. Learning the basics of HTML5 canvas
29. JavaScript Face Detection + Canvas + Video = HTML5 Glasses!
HTML5 文章和资源
30. Semantics in HTML 5
31. Get Ready for HTML 5
32. A Preview of HTML 5
33. Steve Smith on HTML5 and CSS3
34. The Future of HTML 5
35. HTML5 Boilerplate
36. Initializr 2
HTML5 速查手册
37. HTML 5
38. HTML 5 Visual Cheat Sheet by Woork
39. HTML5 Visual Cheat Sheet
40. HTML 5 Cheat Sheet (PDF)
41. HTML5 Canvas Cheat Sheet
42. HTML5 id or class name cheatsheet