1. Tea Round
2. Bixal
3. Jay Hollywood
4. Squared Eye
5. mimeo
6. Print Mor
7. Rottefella
8. These Are Things
9. We Are Fixel
10. winestore.
11. Tokyo Digital
12. Digital Convulsions
13. Deluge Studios
14. Design Royale
15. Osmond Interactive
16. Legworkstudio
17. Qlear
18. James Lai Creative
19. We Are Signals
20. Little Black Dress Society
21. paramoreredd
22. Verdeo
23. Nosotros
24. Brooklyn Fare
25. Jeremy
26. soda
27. Crush + Lovely
28. Paper Leaf
29. Mix Online
30. David A. Molanphy
31. web contact
32. Philadelphia – Official Visitor Site
33. Relogik
34. Chicago L-Shirts
35. Fox Classics
36. sketchdock
37. OpenCal
38. Brasserie Gérard
39. ecoforms
40. perMicah
(编译来源:前端里 原文来自:40 Beautiful and Inspiring Examples of Slideshows in Web Design)