2017年1月份20个轻量的 JavaScript 库和插件

下面这个列表中的免费 JavaScript 插件都是今年发布的,没有臃肿的一体化的框架,它们提供轻量级的解决方案,帮助 Web 开发过程更容易和更快。提供的插件可以创建滑块、响应式菜单、模态窗口、相册和许多其他常见的组件。


baguetteBox.js 一个简单和易于使用的响应式的图像 Lightbox 插件,支持滑动手势在移动设备上使用。纯 JavaScript 实现,不依赖第三方库和插件。


创建和管理元素进入可视区域时的动画效果,帮助你的网站增加吸引力。只需要给元素增加 data-scrollreveal 属性,当元素进入可视区域的时候会自动被触发设置好的动画。


Bricks.js is a ‘blazing fast’ masonry layout generator for fixed width elements.

Bricks.js blazing fast masonry layout generator for fixed width elements


Available as either a jQuery plugin or as vanilla JavaScript, the Philter gives you the means to control CSS filters with HTML attributes.

jQuery plugin vanilla JavaScript Philter control CSS filters HTML attributes


List.js is a lightweight and fast vanilla JavaScript script that adds search, sort, filters and flexibility to lists, tables, or anything HTML.

List.js Lightweight fast vanilla JavaScript adds search sort filters and flexibility to HTML


Datedropper.js is a jQuery plugin that gives you a an easy way to manage dates for input fields.

Datedropper js - A new and easy to install jQuery datepicker plugin


jfMagnify is a jQuery plugin that creates a magnify glass effect on any HTML element, not just images.

jfMagnify jQuery plugin html images magnify glass effect

jQuery formBuilder

jQuery formBuilder is a new jQuery plugin for quick, drag & drop form creation.

jQuery formBuilder jQuery plugin drag and drop form creation


Popper.js is a lightweight (4kb minified) library for managing poppers, tooltips and popovers. You can quickly and easily position tooltips with just a single line code.

Popper.js Kickass Library Manage Your Poppers Tooltips Popovers


iMissYou.js is a handy little jQuery plugin for changing the title & favicon of the page when the user moves away from your website.

iMissYou.js jQuery plugin Change Title Favicon Page


SweetAlert2 is a beautiful and customizable replacement for JavaScript’s popup boxes.

SweetAlert2 beautiful customizable replacement for JavaScript Alert


Turntable.js is a responsive jQuery slider that will flip through a selection of images as your mouse moves across a container.

Turntable.js responsive jQuery slider rotate through list of images


Force.js is a JavaScript library that makes it simple to animate HTML elements and navigate around a web page.

Force.js easy way scroll animate your page


Bideo.js is a JavaScript library that makes it very easy to add fullscreen background videos to web pages.

Bideo.js Easy fullscreen HTML5 background video Web


Written in vanilla JavaScript, flatpickr is lightweight datetimepicker and calendar solution.


Slidebars is a jQuery Framework for adding off-canvas menus and sidebars to your website or web application.


anime.js is a flexible and lightweight JavaScript animation library. It works with CSS, Individual Transforms, SVG, DOM attributes and JS Objects.

anime.js flexible lightweight JavaScript animation library


Cleave.js – Format your <input/> content when you are typing.


Skippr is a super simple and lightweight slideshow plugin for jQuery


iziModal.js is an elegant, responsive, flexible and lightweight modal jQuery plugin.


Lightgallery.js is a fully featured JavaScript lightbox gallery with no dependencies.

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