这里给大家分享20 个新鲜出炉的免费网站模板。这些设计元素将成为你下一个项目的重要素材,可以帮你节省很多的时间。与往常一样,我们经常漫游网络,寻找最好的资源, HTML、CSS 和 PSD 等等,记得关注啊。
Material HTML Base Theme
Creator: Codyhouse and Andrea Galanti
Features: Animations, inspired by Material Design, basic style
License: MIT License
HTML/CSS iPhone 6 Mockup
Creator: Colin Keany
Features: Pure code, no images, ready for retina displays, customizable
License: free for personal and commercial use
Cyrus Studio
Creator: Shape Bootstrap
Features: Great for showing portfolios, grid layout, loading and hover animations
License: free for personal and commercial use
Travelogue Jekyll Theme
Creator: Salvatore Gentile
Features: Minimal style, single-page layout, completely focused on content
License: MIT
Port OnePage Template
Creator: PSD by Neeraj Kumar, HTML by W3Layouts
Features: Flat look, single-page layout, subtle animated icons
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
Fashion Press eCommerce Template
Creator: PSD by Shakil Ali, HTML by W3Layouts
Features: Customizable, aimed at online stores, works great on mobiles
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
Creativeness: Corporate Bootstrap Template
Creator: PSD by Mohammed Saimon, HTML by W3Layouts
Features: Flat and professional-looking, fit for business, fully responsive
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
Afford: Flat Portfolios Template
Creator: PSD by Sheak Reza, HTML by W3Layouts
Features: Colorful flat appearance, responsive, useful grid layout
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
Spirit8 HTML Template
Creator: Theme Forces
Features: Responsive, user-friendly and boasting a modern look
License: free for personal and commercial use
Personal Resume Template
Creator: Bootstrap Taste
Features: Unique, minimal style, perfect for professional presentations
License: free for personal and commercial use
Futuristic UI Kit
Creator: Balraj Chana
Features: Neat transparencies, bright colors
License: Unspecified
Number One UI Kit
Creator: Pixel Buddha
Features: Sports-oriented, complete set of components for any website, app-compatible
License: free for personal and commercial use
Quadrupe Ferial UI Kit
Creator: Mad Creative
Features: Beautiful bright colors, minimal, Material style
License: Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial
8 PSD Files for Blog Apps
Creator: Bagus Fikri
Features: Icons, color palettes and other elements for blog app design
License: Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial
Infographics Vector Pack
Creator: DesignShock
Features: Charts, icons and characters in AI format
License: free for personal use, commercial license available
Clino UI Kit PSD
Creator: Inspirational Pixels
Features: Clean layout, component-based, meant to be edited with Photoshop
License: free for personal and commercial use
Dark iOS UI Kit
Creator: Virgil Pana
Features: iOS oriented, dark style with bright colors for details, heavy use of images
License: Unspecified
Hero Web UI Kit
Creator: ???? ??????????
Features: PSD format, great diversity in the design, including multiple components
License: free for personal and commercial use
Android UI Kit
Creator: Shakuro
Features: Versatile pack for a wide variety of apps, follows the latest design trends and Material Design
License: Unspecified
Flat UI Kit PSD
Creator: Nik Pletikos
Features: Modern look, clean layout, nice color details
License: free for personal and commercial use
Massive PSD Template Bundle
Creator: Various
Features: Diverse collection of web templates, all with their respective PSD download
License: depends on the use case, check individually